so i w worked withth arianana on 7 rinings , and itit was an incredibible experieience. just w we threw itit back wh just taking a classic melody with favororite thingsgs. [the souound of musisic, my favorite t things ] (s(singin) girls in w white dresssses with b blue satin n sashes. snowflakeses that stayay on mymy nose and d eyelashes.. itit started o over those e si- boomom, boom t that sisimple littltle thing. and then t taking it t to the e future, ththough, and d doing a cocompletely different t interpretatation of. (sininging) my l lips, ststop watchining. my neck k is flossy.y. mamake big depeposits. mymy gloss is s popping. itit was a litittle bit scscy bebecause you u re takingg this iconinic song andnd we e literally y trapping i it out and makiking it anand being like, my w wrist, my b butt andl of thohose other t things. and they c could have e been l, oh, nono, no, no, , no, no, n. we c cannot haveve this iconc song s sounding lilike this. lisa resespers francnce: a
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i see this guy in my area. people usually walk through the sidewalk and sometime they stop and look through the window to see the things going on. i m coming in on my computers, checking e-mails and things like that and this guy walks up to my w window and walks back to the gate. i m thinking everything is normal. he bends down, i turn back to my computer and i hear this sound ahg, book. he picks up a boulder and throw through my window. ashley: you see that on the floor. you chase the guy down, what made you initiate that to chase him? what was going through your
and the video has given dr. chen a bit of solace. to see how it happened and how he was rescued and to read people s comments about it. as far as i m concerned, rory s a hero. i feel lucky that i was there at that time to be able to at least get their dog back to them. that s the time you need your family pet the most. coming up, a bucket list adventure takes a terrifying turn as an 80-year-old woman clings to life at 11,000 feet. when caught on camera: odd and outrageous continues. m in my w, having lunch, next minute i m in the back of an ambulance having a heart attack. i was in shape, fit. i did not see it coming. i take bayer aspirin. [ male announcer ] so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor and get checked out.
down and step on his bed, you know, if i don t do it and put my foot on his bed, lead into a fight. i ask, as far as respected, i give him respect. i can honestly say at one point in jail, it was fun. they used to let you smoke in jails and visit every day. but then over the curse of these 20 years, everything has changed. there s nothing fun about coming to jail and being locked up no more. nothing at all. i don t like it. i don t like nothing about this jail. i don t like nothing about prison.rather be home with my w and kids. powell especially dislikes the routine pat down search. step back, open your legs. open your legs up for me. put your hands up on the wall, man.