vladimir putin is not pleased. i ll talk to the former british prime minister tony blair about this big move and much else. then i ll talk to ian bremmer and minton beddoes about the world s other crises, covid, comet, food and more. finally, i will take you inside the mind of vladimir putin. it s a preview of my latest special. first, here s my take. the biden administration deserves huge credit for the economic measure that s it s been able to take against russia for its invasion of ukraine. they are the most comprehensive imposed against a major power since the second world war. on a punishment scale, they rank them at least an eight out of ten. but the unprecedented nature are producing concerns around the world that the united states has weaponized its financial power and could lead over time to the decline of the dollars dominance, which is what givens
celebrate a victory tomorrow, its defeat of the nazis in world war ii. this year the holiday will almost certainly focus on ukraine. but what would victory look like there for either side? and who is most likely to achieve it? we will explore. also, as america gets ready to mark a million dead from covid, bill gates says we re not out of danger yet, not even close. i will talk to him about the pandemic and the inevitable next one. but first here s my take. as the prospect of roe vs. wade being overturned looms large and races for another round of cultural wars i have been puzzled over why clashes over value seem to be more intense in the united states than elsewhere and why the competing camps seem more divided than before. one key to this might be found in a 2020 pew survey showing on many colonel issues the american
achieve it? we will explore. also, as america gets ready to mark a million dead from covid, bill gates says we re not out of danger yet, not even close. i will talk to him about the pandemic and the inevitable next one. but first here s my take. as the prospect of roe vs. wade being overturned looms large and races for another round of cultural wars i have been puzzled over why clashes over value seem to be more intense in the united states than elsewhere and why the competing camps seem more divided than before. one key to this might be found in a 2020 pew survey showing on many colonel issues the american political divide was the widest among rich countries surveyed. asked whether the country would be better off in the future if it sticks to its traditions and ways of life, 65% of americans on the right said yes, versus
thursday president biden asked congress for $33 billion in additional aid to ukraine, a dramatic increase. we need to contribute arms, funding, ammunition and economic support to make their current sacrifice have purpose. i will ask ukrainian president zelensky s top aide, andriy yermak, if ukraine is getting what it needs to win. then looking east. will putin s invasion inspire china to attack taiwan? that is the big question, and i put it to taiwan s foreign minister in a fascinating exclusive interview. but, first, here s my take. at first glance the war in ukraine would seem to confirm president biden s oft express view that the world today is marked by a contest between democracies and autocracies. after all, autocratic russia is waging a savage assault on democratic ukraine and the
then president zelensky announces a high-level visit of the american secretaries of state. david miliband and anne-marie slaughter will talk to us about the sanctions, refugee crisis and more. and as another earth day passes, we will bring you a big idea about how to wean countries like china and india off coal. but first, here s my take. the next phase in the war in ukraine is now apparent. over the next few weeks and months, russian forces will try to expand control of their occupied territories in eastern ukraine and dig in. the ukrainian army and people will resist fiercely and low-grade battles will likely persist in these areas, as they have in donbas since 2014. that means the only way out of this conflict is to put enough pressure on russia to force it to the negotiating table and seek sanctions relief in