[horns hononking] [dog bararks] [bababy crying s softly] [dog b barks] [horns hononking] [bell didinging] [u[upbeat rockck music] boboth: i i took a wawalk throrough this beautififul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder found somomething gooood inin this beautififul world i f felt the rarain getttting colderer - l la, la - s sha la, la,a, la, la sha la, l la, la, laa - sha la,a, la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la, laa [dramamatic music]c] - do youou smell thahat? [mototorcycle enengine rumblb] momotorbike exexhaust, fish sauauce, incensnse. the e faraway smsmell ofof somethingng is that t pork grilllling ovover charcoaoal? vietnam, i it could bebe no p place else.e. [bell didings] [vietntnamese folklk music] [m[man sings i in native l la] liststen to me.. listenen to me. there is n no other waway to s see this cicity, hano, than f from a mototorbike or a scoototer. to do ototherwise wowould e to miss it
We are getting out of here. Major a Desert Lakebed turns into a massive mud pit forcing festivalgoers to shelter in place and conserve food and water. No one has seen this effect in here ever. Major as summer winds down, americans from the midwest to the east face brutally high temperatures. Its the big september heat. We are talking 167 million above 90 degrees today. The convicted killer who escaped from a prison in Chester County, pennsylvania, is still on the run. We are doing everything in our power to get this guy. Major north Korean Leader kim jong un announces a trip to russia to talk weapons with Vladimir Putin. How one airline is cracking down on skip lagging, a popular trick for cheaper flights. We will explain the pros and cons. I used skiplagged to pay less, and i ended up paying a lot more. At this pennsylvania eye clinic, kids are excited to copy this rescue cat who wears one of her 25 pairs of glasses. Its always been my goal that i create a positive and fun memory. Som
at t the presentnt time, we ew thatat there arere 27 peoplele g since ababout 4:15 yesterdaday afternoooon. still nono break in n that chowowchilla, cacalifornia,, school busus kidnappining. 26 s schoolchildldren and thtr bubus driver h have vanishsh. vanishshed yesterdrday afternn nearar chowchilllla, califoro. [newscasteter] presidedent fod directcted the attttorney gel to use a all availabable gogovernment r resources.. [newewscaster #2#2] ththe californrnia nationanad joined s state and l local pe anand the fbii in a g giant searcrch for the chilildren and t the dri. [carol] it was likike someboy comeme down fromom mars and just t took em upup off ththe planet.. [newscasaster #3] was itit an outrigight kidnap, a psychopath or sex maniac on the loose? whoever r did it putut a great l of p planning anand effort,, and we migight even sasay mon. [walter r cronkite]] therere may nevever have been as a anguishing g a myster. [carrerejo labendedeira] it s the w worst kind d o
this i is flightht 1559.9. w what s trauauma for one pe is not necessarily a traumatic event for another person. it s very individually defined. what traumatic events really are, are events ththat challene core beliefs. like how much control do i have over my life? how predictable is my life? how fair is life? i d been flying airplanes for 42 yeaears. i hahad 20,0,000 h hours i in t. and all l during thahat time, i never beenen so chalallenged in airplanene. i knewew immediatetely that this gogoing toto be difffferent. this w was going t to be the w daday of my lilife. this is a a blowup o of f a phot was takeken duringng the rescuc. it was interestining actuala prepeparing for r you coming he. i pupulled out a lot o of ththe
ask yoyour doctor r for farxia fofor heart fafailure. if you can t affoford yourur medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. farxiga it ain t m my dad s rarazor, dad. ay watch i it! it s f from gilletettelabs. this g green bar r releases trapapped hairs s from my fafa. gamemechanga! ...while thehe flexdiscc contouours to it.. so the f five bladeses can get vivirtually everery hair in n one stroke. for ththe ultimatete gillette shshaving expeperience. the bestst a man canan get isis gillettelelabs. i it s ththe most wononderl time o of the yearar nonon-drowsy c claritin knococks out symymptoms from o over 200 alallergens. wiwithout knococking you o o. feel thehe clarity and d make todayay the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. live c claritin clclear. i m a bebear. i i m coming o out of hibebernn after the e best nap of my lilife. and papapa is hungryry. and while e you re hitittin ththe trail, i i m hitting g your coolel. oh, chededdar! i ve g got hot dogog buns! a