them so upcoming border executive order probably tomorrow could be too little too late. ainsley: plus, former president trump reveals his plans for the border if he wins in november in a tv fox & friends weekend exclusive. no, i m going to do the big deportation, the biggest ever. eisenhower about the biggest. this would be bigger. but, it s a very tough thing. lawrence: dr. fauci is set to testify today as we learned there were no studies done to support 6 feet social distancing. what happened to following the science? brian: now he doesn t back it. i cannot wait to see that montage the second hour of fox & friends starts right now remember, comma, mornings are better with friends. ainsley: the white house expected to announce executive actions on the crisis at our southern border as early as tomorrow. steve: the a.p. is reporting that the move could shut off asylum request and automatically deny entry to migrants once a new daily threshold is reached. at thi
treat super stars when they come into the league normally or is there something that different when it comes to caitlin clark? yeah. lawrence, thanks for having me. i think superstars coming into the league going to the rim. i think super stars blocking out, maybe get an extra shot. but i got to tell you, i have never seen someone take a full run with a ball out of bound and knock a superstar out of bounds. i just haven t seen it. and lynn dunn the general manager of the fever is a friend of mine. she comes on my indy show every week. she said last week this has been going on and on and on and they have sent clips to the league, to no avail. nothing has been done. and i think now you will see something being done because, lawrence, anybody that s played basketball understands hard fouls. we all understand it. that s part of it. indoctrination, amen you are a rookie coming in here. we will give you a little extra. but not that and there has been elbows, there has been after punches an