pick him up, jedd will be transferred by parole officers to the parole office. meanwhile, frank is being released after serving 14 months for forgery, possession, and distribution of a controlled substance. there s your daddy. frank is seeing his daughter for the first time in 14 months. i love you, baby. i love you. this lit girl s been waiting, talking to him every week. on the phone. this baby girl doesn t do it, and this grandma of his doesn t keep him on the straight and narrow, he s going to get the tar beat out of him. my dadaddy. happy to have daddy home? uh-huh. upon release, all offenders are required to check in at the adult probation and parole reporting center. what s your name? strong. jedd strong. jedd will enter a halfway house, where he ll have to look for a job and undergo substance abuse therapy. i want you to check in every