bipartisan measure of support for it, as never before that i ve seen, and the reason is because of the outrage you ve expressed, which i find everywhere i go. the revelations that not only did facebook and instagram promote these self-image problems, but they also profited from them. they knew, and they did nothing to curtail it. in fact, they gained more profit. willie, they re talking about, again, doing an app for even younger girls. yeah, instagram for kids. senator, good morning. not to belabor the point, but i think mika and joe are on the right question. as the father of a teenage girl who, so far we ve kept her off of instagram successfully, we think, what do you do we think. about the core of what instagram is? it s about posting photos of yourself. to have a 14, 15, 16-year-old girl look at that and say, gosh, my abs don t look like that. my teeth aren t that white. i don t have those clothes.