long put out a cookbook of how to make a bomb, how to bring it on a airplane. that s a significant new development. congressman, thank you for joining us. er kick swalwell, from california. the political fall-out as the fbi director goes on with the investigation about vladimir putin s actions. he hated secretary clinton so much that he had a clear presence for the person running against the reperson he hated s much. woof! eeh woof! wuh [silence]
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that i can literally see my house from here, and i basically have no idea where i am. baron ambrosia: and no fault on your own, but i think that s kind of what keeps the bronx so amazing is that you have all these in-touch ethnic enclaves. anthony: i didn t know there were honduransere, much less, uh, 200,000 garifuna. bar ambrosia: right. anthony: no clue. baron ambrosia: right. anthony: i ve been saying the neck is the next big thing for years now. still waiting. uh wha woof! eeh woof! wuh [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] dramatic opera music swells from radio [howling continues] kevin, meet yourkeviner. kevin