Global Forecast-Fahrenheit
City/Town, Country;Tuesday s Weather Condition;Tuesday s High Temp (F);Tuesday s Low Temp (F);Wednesday s Weather Condition;Wednesday s High Temp (F);Wednesday s Low Temp (F);Wednesday s Wind Direction;Wednesday s Wind Speed (MPH);Wednesday s Humidity (%);Wednesday s Chance of Precip. (%);Wednesday s UV Index
Abidjan, Ivory Coast;Becoming cloudy;90;79;Mostly cloudy;89;80;SW;10;78%;44%;8
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates;Sunny and hot;101;79;Partly sunny and hot;100;79;ENE;6;26%;1%;7
Aleppo, Syria;Mostly sunny;63;41;Mostly sunny;69;46;NW;4;45%;2%;8
Algiers, Algeria;Breezy in the p.m.;62;53;Breezy in the p.m.;64;52;E;12;76%;72%;3
Amsterdam, Netherlands;Partly sunny, chilly;48;31;A shower in places;47;34;N;9;67%;51%;4
Anchorage, United States;Rain and snow shower;42;33;Rain and snow;43;34;SSW;9;71%;87%;1
US Forecast
City/Town, State;Yesterday’s High Temp (F);Yesterday’s Low Temp (F);Today’s High Temp (F);Today’s Low Temp (F);Weather Condition;Wind Direction;Wind Speed (MPH);Humidity (%);Chance of Precip. (%);UV Index
Albany, NY;47;38;44;22;Cooler, p.m. rain;N;5;74%;91%;1
Albuquerque, NM;60;33;63;38;Clouds and sunshine;E;3;30%;0%;6
Anchorage, AK;21;11;23;2;Sunny and cold;N;8;55%;19%;2
Asheville, NC;64;53;69;42;Rain, a thunderstorm;WNW;14;67%;89%;4
Atlanta, GA;57;56;68;43;A severe t-storm;W;15;59%;68%;6
Atlantic City, NJ;46;45;53;40;Rain;S;10;93%;98%;1
Austin, TX;75;49;72;45;Breezy in the a.m.;NNW;12;32%;0%;7
Baltimore, MD;51;44;55;40;Rain;N;7;83%;97%;1
Baton Rouge, LA;80;49;65;46;Breezy and cooler;NW;15;59%;5%;7
Billings, MT;57;28;62;38;Sunny and nice;SSW;7;48%;1%;4