Heard on Main Street: When in doubt, just take the next small step. I was very sorry to learn that my late husband’s brother, Allen Gifford Mayhew, died on New Year’s Day, just weeks short of his 90th birthday. His last visit here was for Donald’s funeral in 2019. Allen, his wife Doris, and children […]
Playing at the M.V. Film Society this week is “The Holdovers,” an awardwinning comedy about a crew of preppies stuck at Barton Academy, their New England boarding school. They end up there for the Christmas holidays with a crabby classics professor in charge. Starring Paul Giamatti at his best as pedagogue Paul Hunham, it also […]
Doug West began coming to Martha’s Vineyard in summers as a kid, back in 1952, and later his family bought a cottage in Oak Bluffs. When he met Irene Ziebarth in California, she had never been to the Island, but she quickly became a summer convert. When they both retired in 2006, they began to […]
Last Saturday, Larry’s Tackle Shop hosted its annual OctoberFish celebration and award ceremony. “It was awesome,” said Peter Sliwkowski, co-owner of Larry’s with his wife, Melissa. “We had 60 people here. Sandy [Fisher] brought barbeque ribs, Josh Kressel brought scallops, Melissa made a cake, and we ordered from Mo’s. Great people. Great food. A real […]
The M.V. Film Society hosts its annual Women in Film Festival coming up, and one of the films, “Isle of Hope,” focuses on the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters. Starring Mary Stuart Masterson (Victoria) and Diane Ladd (Carmen) as daughter and mother, this film covers everything from divorce to jealousy, to love and laughter. […]