Posted on February 9th, 2021
Peduru Hewage
William de Silva (1908-1988) was the only son of a wealthy professional family
of Batapola, near Ambalangoda. William studied at the Buddhist Mixed School in Batapola,
then at St. John’s, Panadura, later at Richmond College, Galle, and finally at
Ananda College from which he entered Ceylon University College. He had joined the Suriyamal movement when he
was a student at University College, Colombo. After one year, disenchanted
and bored, he left University College and went abroad for higher studies.
went to Oxford, then studied law in London and was called to the Bar in 1940. He was
by Chantal Hiranthi Obeyesekere de Saram
My grandfather, Sir James Peter Obeyesekere, was a benevolent man who believed in giving to the society/community in which he lived. He was a linguist and a scholar who made great attempts to facilitate education throughout the Island. He had no interest in politics and was more focused on carrying out social activities to develop education, religion and society as a whole. He was a member of the colonial government service and was appointed to the post of Chief Mudaliyar. He was regarded as one of the most powerful personalities in British Colonial rule.