Y 69 today. She made a wish and then deleted the candles. [ laughter ] in an interview last night with msnbc, Donald Trumps running mate mike pence accidentally referred to trump as his opponent. Which is ridiculous. Everyone knows trump is his own opponent. [ laughter and applause ] gotta stay got to stay out of your way, donald trump said at a rally yesterday that republicans who want to run in 2020 dont have even a little bit of a chance of beating hillary clinton. Oh, wow. So youre running again . [ laughter and applause ] trump supporter Newt Gingrich, last night, accused fox newss megyn kelly of being fascinated with sex by continuing to report on women accusing donald trump of inappropriate behavior. Newt, theres a difference and being horrified by sexual assault. Its kind of like beyonce and rihanna. Everyone knows the difference except old white men. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] according according to the new york times, donald trump once stormed off a mountain after his th
Mate mike pence accidentally referred to trump as his opponent. Which is ridiculous. Everyone knows trump is his own opponent. [ laughter and applause ] gotta stay got to stay out of your way, buddy. Donald trump said at a rally yesterday that republicans who want to run in 2020 dont have even a little bit of a chance of beating hillary clinton. Oh, wow. So youre running again . [ laughter and applause ] trump supporter Newt Gingrich, last night, accused fox newss megyn kelly of being fascinated with sex by continuing to report on women accusing donald trump of inappropriate behavior. Newt, theres a difference between being fascinated by sex and being horrified by sexual assault. Its kind of like beyonce and rihanna. Everyone knows the difference except old white men. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] according according to the new york times, donald trump once stormed off a mountain after his thenwife ivana proved to be better at skiing than he is. Though he is proving to be pretty good
In an interview last night with msnbc, Donald Trumps running mate mike pence accidentally referred to trump as his opponent. Which is ridiculous. Everyone knows trump is his own opponent. [ laughter and applause ] gotta stay got to stay out of your way, buddy. Donald trump said at a rally yesterday that republicans who want to run in 2020 dont have even a little bit of a chance of beating Hillary Clinton. Oh, wow. So youre running again . [ laughter and applause ] trump supporter Newt Gingrich, last night, accused fox newss megyn kelly of being fascinated with sex by continuing to report on women accusing donald trump of inappropriate behavior. Newt, theres a difference between being fascinated by sex and being horrified by sexual assault. Its kind of like beyonce and rihanna. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] according according to the new york times, donald trump once stormed off a mountain after his thenwife ivana proved to be better at skiing than he is. Though he is proving to be pr
According according to the new york times, donald trump once stormed off a mountain after his thenwife ivana proved to be better at skiing than he is. Though he is proving to be pretty good at sliding rapidly downhill. [ cheers and applause ] microsoft announced a free update to windows today that allows users to take photos and edit them in 3d. Critics are calling it the most exciting thing youll evler ever explain to your grandma. [ light laughter ] youll elvol explain to your grandma. A group of scientists recently found two undiscovered moons near uranus. Said president obama, yeah, i get it, joe. [ light laughter ] very funny. Very funny, joe. [ applause ] the ceo of starbucks announced today that the company will open oh, im sorry. Was my 5 latte the cheap stuff . [ laughter ] have i been slumming it up til now, starbucks . [ applause ] a man destroyed Donald Trumps star on the hollywood walk of fame last night using a sledgehammer. Actually it was a gavel, said paul ryan. [ laug
Mate mike pence accidentally referred to trump as his opponent. Which is ridiculous. Everyone knows trump is his own opponent. [ laughter and applause ] gotta stay got to stay out of your way, buddy. Donald trump said at a rally yesterday that republicans who want to run in 2020 dont have even a little bit of a chance of beating hillary clinton. Oh, wow. So youre running again . Trump supporter Newt Gingrich, last night, accused fox newss megyn kelly of being fascinated with sex by continuing to report on women accusing donald trump of inappropriate behavior. Newt, theres a difference between being fascinated by sex and being horrified by sexual assault. Its kind of like beyonce and rihanna. Everyone knows the difference except old white men. According to the new york times, donald trump once stormed off a mountain after his thenwife ivana proved to be better at skiing than he is. Though he is proving to be pretty good at sliding rapidly downhill. [ cheers and applause ] microsoft anno