Mutants Lair and The Haunted Castle news - MacenWolf mod for Wolfenstein 3D
Two Laz Rojas mapsets as we keep pursuing the goal of bringing all his works to the PC. (we re bringing everyone s works to the PC, but never mind) Posted by OKducky on
Mar 2nd, 2021
I know my schedule s slipping, no need to remind me. To compensate, in a glorious redemption/massice copout, today I bring you. two mapsets. Again? And it s not even mapset week? But, you see, both mapsets are by Laz Rojas, so I get to advance the goal of completing the mod backlog of Mac celebrities while being a lazy jerk about it. Suits me, suits you (not), so no complaining, right? Let s move on to today s actual content.