The State Special Operation Cell (SSOC, Mohali), which is probing the case, told the court that they needed the remand of Rajan Bhatti, 30, a resident of Gurdaspur’s Mustafabad Jatta village, to know the source of ₹7.97 lakh, which recovered from a MIG (middle-income group) flat in Sector 70, where he was residing with a female friend.
Punjab Police on Wednesday arrested two associates of Gangster Rajan Bhatti, during a raid at Sushant City in Bathinda, and recovered two illegal weapons from their possession, officials said.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Punjab Police on Wednesday arrested two associates of Gangster Rajan Bhatti, during a raid at Sushant City in Bathinda,and recovered two illegal weapons from their possession, officials said. India News | Punjab: Police Arrests 2 Associates of Gangster Rajan Bhatti, 2 Illegal Weapons Recovered.