In Protégé Rest. Partners LLC v. Sentinel Ins. Co., No. 21-16814 (9th Cir. 2022), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, rejected another business interruption claim related to the.
Loss of Income Caused by a Government Mandate to Suspend Business Operations Due to the COVID-19 Virus is not Covered by a Standard Property Insurance Policy Because the Physical.
Almost 1,500 lawsuits have been filed by policyholders against insurers, seeking to resolve disputes around insurance coverage for COVID-19-related business losses.
For those unfamiliar with insurance litigation trends, it’s important to put the scale of this into perspective. The average hurricane will result in about 50 to 100 cases being filed in the first year; from April till August 2020 we saw the same quantity of cases being filed
each week for COVID-19-related losses.
So far, rulings have been made overwhelming in the favor of insurers, at a rate of approximately 75%. However, there have been some significant rulings in favor of policyholders over the last few months which should cause insurers pause for thought.