sacred word of god. od, the it s just such a total disrespect that it really puts america in that position. just as when people hear, extremists in islam, chanting death to america, they think that all muslims are lat and when muslims hero the creature getting ready to burn the koran they begin to think that all americans or all christians are le that. it s not the same reaction someone brings a bible, burn a flag. not the same violent reaction. mlims regard the koran as the word of god. not something that was written by profit bahama doran anybody else, but revealed by god. the sacred scriptures in there, rev. re the koran before he said he never touched a koran, he received some of the most beautiful scripture about jesus christ. understand what y rng but how does thxplain the violence that happens by burning
a book? here is a theological connection. i don t know if everybody is ready for theologians to understand this. as christians look at christ jesus as being a word from god, muslims look at the koran as being a word from god. so i m not talking about burning a cross it. i m talking about, would you burn christ jesus. muslims regard on the same level as burning the koran, burning the word of god. this pastor said i wanted to send a message and the message was onef of hatred. so christians said no, this is not our faith. it doesn t resemble our faith. shamon you for doing this. i ll tell you, christians would be upset if people burn the bible but i think this pastor our n effect burning bibles, too. he was burning the teachings of jesus. he was disregarding what jesus said and did. so hrabu kon burning was like a
got someone else who needsge to get in. i agr with reverend jim wallace. what the response has been, muslims, christians, juice, buddhists, hindus. all complete there and say this is not an act that any of us can support. we can t stand by and be done. the other point that you might register with is freedom of speech, we understand it, and you can do these freedom oonf expression. you ca be free to be ignorant here in america. but you still don t holler out fire in a theater. here is the world theater that this ms an isaying he will burn a koran, and to the rest of the muslim world, one billion strong, it s like coloring fire in a world theater. coming up here on cnn documenting the event that ground zero. how one and used his job as the official fire department photographer at ground zero to
same kind of bigotry was brought up to intern hundreds of thousands of japanese and california. that s something we want to stggle against. some say a mosque so close to ground zero would be a slap in the face to the memory of those killed on 9/11. my constitution has been hijacked. i do not believe that all muslims arterrorists. i believe that these muslims are terrorists. those emotions didn t just played out during the rallies. there were also impromptu sidewalk debates. what s going on? we believe in the same document. just said you believe in the constitution. i do believe in the constitution. it s all jumping out of buildings,we people were disintegrating. terrorists. can t blame muslims. if they had the respect that they claim they have. why should they have to apologize for the actions? i would rather see no church van a mosque right where people are going. at the end of the day it