a passionate discussion, but it s not for most, thank god,, not a life or death issue but it can be in parts of the middle east and has been recently. not only the middle east. there are two billion muslim people all over the world. i we should differentiate between them and europe and western . worlds in particular. they have a feeling there, about 90% of the people i of the muslim world believe freedom of expression - is practised only. to insult muslims. you know, you have a problem with cartoons offensive - towards the prophet about mohammed and now these satanic verses are blasphemous completely and it s offensive. i salman rushdie, he was very cruel when he talked - about the prophet muhammad and his wives and to talk- about the wives of the prophet is really very dangerous. - people, i believe 95% i of the people never read the satanic verses. i was here when it. was published in this
of it in the arab world, it will be bad. - it will be banned. of course, the one translator was murdered and another was attacked. yes, a publisher attacked. but definitely there - are people, secular people in the arab and muslim worlds who are against this kind of crime to attack publishers or a writerl because he expressed himself in a way or like that. - and those people actually also, they are harassed or even - attacked by radical muslims. and this fatwa, it was about 40 years ago. i now why they revived it, why this government. i we won t know that until his trial if we ever know it. maria, i was going to quote you as of a minute or so left, in the sunday times accused liberals of over 30 years having worked as the de facto accomplices of the ayatollah because he said they are resisting the task of dismantling speech.
world, it will be bad. of course, the one translator was murdered and another was attacked. yes, a publisher attacked. but definitely there - are people, secular people in the arab and muslim worlds who are against this kind - of crime to attack publishers or a writer because he - expressed himself in a way or like that. i and those people actually also, they are harassed or even - attacked by radical muslims. and this fatwa, it was about 40 years ago. i now why they revived it, why this government. i we won t know that until his trial if we ever know it. maria, i was going to quote you as of a minute or so left, in the sunday times accused liberals of over 30 years having worked as the de facto accomplices of the ayatollah because he said they are resisting the task of dismantling speech. what do you make of that?
thank god,, not a life or death issue but it can be in parts of the middle east and has been recently. not only the middle east. there are two billion muslim people all over the world. i we should differentiate i between them and europe and western worlds in particular. - they have a feeling there, about 90% of the people i of the muslim world believe freedom of expression - is practised only. to insult muslims. you know, you have a problem with cartoons offensive - towards the prophet about mohammed and now these satanic verses are blasphemous completely and it s offensive. i salman rushdie, he was very cruel when he talked - about the prophet muhammad and his wives and to talk- about the wives of the prophet is really very dangerous. - people, i believe 95% i of the people never read the satanic verses. i was here when it was i published in this country 40 years ago.
there are two billion muslim people all over the world. i we should differentiate between them and europe and western worlds in particular. they have a feeling there, about 90% of the people i of the muslim world believe freedom of expression is practised only to insult muslims. you know, you have a problem with cartoons offensive - towards the prophet mohammed and now these satanic verses are blasphemous completely and it s offensive. salman rushdie, he was very cruel when he talked - about the prophet muhammad and his wives and to talk- about the wives of the prophet is really very dangerous. - people, i believe 95% of the people never read the satanic verses. - i was here when it was published in this country 40 years ago. - there were demonstrations all over the muslim world and many people | were killed and again- with the cartoons, offensive cartoons, again there was a huge - demonstration against this and many people were killed again.