a mission a job many of us come to the a mom s mausoleum to reach out to his spirit and to show respect is missing here by then issuing death. praise or go harry s lives in studies in the amman raise a shrine complex. it encompasses a mosque and the muslim seven courtyards a seminary and islamic university libraries and seminar rooms. i go myself i m going to when we re unable to change the minds of young people who do not share our faith then we organize events specifically for them so as not to lose contact with them just as we offer them jobs taking photos or video recording events or working as drivers we do it to make sure we keep in touch with them i m pretty sure that even high libya vast battle got automation. but we arrange
muslim money s aim is to return color to the streets of iran she scours the country collecting antique fabrics and reworks them as fresh and modern outfits. as the money is the ground ever really in fashion a celebrity. but even though she has an ambitious agenda she s also careful not to go too far. so her seamstresses take their headscarves off when they re indoors in front of the camera so money keeps her head covered she doesn t want to trouble with the authorities. now we are going to parliament and the parliament is the place to my partner and of that there folks. don t all think we. should. we accompany the designer on her weekly shopping trip to one of the city s main bazaars. kim
tj doesn t care. if you re a muslim, you re suspicious, even though the man they re talking about is chamber of commerce man of the year, giving money to christian charities, to rick perry. part of the republican establishment. because he didn t give money to him and gave to his opponent. in this primary race, talking about a republican primary runoff in texas, he made it like his campaign issue. apparently he made it an issue. he dropped it the last week, the primary was in march. it is a runoff, so tonight, he very well, i was e-mailing a reporter in texas. he is probably going to win and be the house of representatives ultimately in november. we have backing not a little but a lot. something that people need to be made aware of. you gave money to him. i e-mailed tj first, his
opponent accepted a donation from a muslim. not a donation associated with a terrorist group or extreme form of islam or al qaeda, just a muslim, full stop. he can say that he is a peaceful muslim all that he wants to. the fact is he has declared war here with the money he s giving to people. and comedian dean obeidallah saw that, decided to square things up, giving his own money to tj fabby, making him an acce acceptor of muslim money, too. how did this get on your radar screen. someone posted it. i am like this isn t true. i read the article like you, has to be some some connection to some group on a watch list. he was in an organization, unindicted coconspirator. i applaud this kind of bigotry.