- i can t wait till he meet winston. - yeah, me too. - and tyson. - yeah. blessings always come on time. and i want us to have, like, this huge coming home party for him. he needs that, you know? he needs to feel that love. like, we never let his hand go even though all the distance. - i m sure that ll make him happy. - hopefully we don t have to wait too much longer to find out. - just pray. nothing like prayer. [soft dramatic music] - as the state of michigan takes on recreational sales of marijuana, one man is currently sitting in the muskegon county correctional facility. - michael thompson sold three pounds of marijuana in the 90s. - thompson is considered the longest incarcerated non-violent offender in michigan s history.
- yeah, me too. - and tyson. - yeah. blessings always come on time. and i want us to have, like, this huge coming home party for him. he needs that, you know? he needs to feel that love. like, we never let his hand go even though all the distance. - i m sure that ll make him happy. - hopefully we don t have to wait too much longer to find out. - just pray. nothing like prayer. [soft dramatic music] - as the state of michigan takes on recreational sales of marijuana, one man is currently sitting in the muskegon county correctional facility. - michael thompson sold three pounds of marijuana in the 90s. - thompson is considered the longest incarcerated non-violent offender in michigan s history.
we are not equal under the law in this country. one person gets the cover of a magazine, the other team gets life. that s a big gap. it would be kind of wild and unfair even if it was just random. but this is america, and it s not random. i m telling you, the person on the cover of the magazine is different from the person doing years. years in jail. which brings us to a man named michael thompson. as the state of michigan takes on recreational sales of marijuana, one man is currently sitting in the muskegon county correctional facility. michael thompson sold three pounds of marijuana in the 90s. thompson is considered the longest incarcerated non-violent offender in michigan s history. this is an important story. it s one that some people want to look away from. i m here to tell you there s going to be a special msnbc broadcast of the documentary