Only Teardrops: A Visit to Sweden's Third-largest City a Few Weeks Before It Hosts the Huge Song Competition Reveals That Preparations for Putting the Palestinian Cause on Europe's Biggest Stage Are at a Fever Pitch. 'People I Know Are Taking Off Kippot and Necklaces With Stars of David in Public'
Hundreds of Entertainment Industry Veterans, Including High-profile Jewish Celebrities, Gave Support to the European Broadcasting Union's Commitment to Include Israel in This Year's Eurovision Competition Despite Resounding Calls for Their Exclusion Amid the Ongoing War in Gaza
Racked by Trauma and Grief, Five Emerging Artists From Various Fields Are Grappling With the Hamas Attack and Subsequent Gaza War. But as One of Them Declares, 'A Historic Period of Postwar Israeli Art Is Going to Emerge From This'
After He Was Released From a Thai Prison and Landed With His Band in Israel, Bi-2 Founder Yegor Bortnik Gives a Peek Into His Time in Thailand and His Childhood in Soviet Belarus, and Explains Why He Does Not Plan to Settle Down in Israel