Captioning performed by vitac captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2008 each one is different. Each one has its own sets of governments and own sets of law, and ill use pennsylvania. This room was pennsylvanias legislature. Pennsylvania decides to write a constitution that is so radical for its day that they basically get rid of the position of governor. They are not going to have really a chief executive for pennsylvania anymore. They are going to have a fairly democratically run onehouse legislature as opposed to the standard two houses that most of the states are going to use, that the United States has known throughout its history so pennsylvania has a very different setup. It proves a little too radical to work and our 177 of pennsylvania constitution will last only 14 years. They will have to redo it, go to the traditional two houses of government and legislature setup. This is 1776 that each of these states is going to start itself over. Now, the problem is being al
I am joined by alley and hope. Hope wright, my dear colleague, began her career at Colonial Williamsburg when she was in the third grade. She was a performer in a play on my own time, and the black music program. She has collaborated with many other departments at the foundation as well as with other museums over the course of her career. She has worked a variety of educational institutions as an actress, story teller, writer, refer, and mentor. Please welcome hope wright. Thank you. Our special guest, ally larson, is a professor of law and director of the bill of rights law. Cynic she joined the william and mary faculty in 2010, she has received many awards including the statewide outstanding faculty award in the rising star category. Professor larson is a scholar of constitutional law and legal institutions with a focus on how information dynamics affect both. Her work has been featured multiple times in various publications and these are just a few of her accomplishments. Please hel
Black political organizing that culminated in the election of course black mayors like cleveland, atlanta and detroit from 1967 to 1974. They feel particularly vital right now as blackled struggles in the wake of Police Murders of george floyd in minneapolis, Breonna Taylor in louisville, and kenosha have sounded the call for black liberation while raising questions about the role of electoral politics and black freedom struggles. 50 years ago gibsons landmark election came on the heels was 1967 rebellion in newark when the Police Beating of an unarmed black man, john smith, had whit supremacy and its enforcers in blue in the jim crow north. Amid heightened racist renewal projects and educational injustice, it recalled countless Police Killings that had gone unpublished into the years and brought thousands into the streets that july. State police and National Guardsmen were brought into the city to violently suppress the uprising, claiming two dozen lives in the process including ed ed
Studentcam. Org. Harvard professor erez manela talks about Woodrow Wilsons education shaped his policy, specifically the league of nations and the aftermath of world war i and discusses how wilson championshiped. This video is courtesy of the National World war i museum and memorial in kansas city, missouri. Dr. Erez manela is professor of history at harvard university. He also serves as director of graduate programs at harvards weatherhead centers and cochair of Harvard International and global history seminar. He is coeditor of the global and National History series for Cambridge University press, the volume empires at war 1911 to 1923 with robert gurwath which reframes the history as a global war of empires and the international other begins of anticolonial nationalism. Dr. Manela will close our symposium with a lecture that x explores how president wilsons convictions were form the, how they shaped the 1919 peace settlement and how that continues to impact us today. Ladies and gent
Globalization and my work that most pertains to our panel today is a book called promise and peril america at the dawn of a global age. Just out in paperback. You can buy it downstairs. I have the distinct pleasure of being the chair and coorganizer of this really exciting panel i think and i hope youll agree once were done. Its a fascinating topic with tremendous contemporary relevance as well as historygraphical significance. U. S. Foreign relations before and after that kept us out of war election. This is really not just about u. S. Foreign relations but also world relations, international relations. Now, the spark for this panel is the centennial of the 1916 election in which Woodrow Wilson ran on a he kept us out of war platform despite the military interventions ongoing in mexico and the caribbean. Marking the centennial of this election this round table brings together superb historians with a wide array of focuses to address whether or not 1916 should be seen as the end of an