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CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront April 10, 2017

Weapons, now citing Bashar Al Assad use of barrel bombs against civil vians. Sean spicer made that threat not once, but twice. If you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, you will see a response from this president. That is unacceptable. The sight of people being gassed, blown away by barrel bombs, ensures that if with he see this kind of action again, we hold open the possibility of future action. Lets be clear, barrel bombs are evil weapons. Theyre like ieds dropped from the sky. Made from a barrel that is an oil drum that is filled with explosives and shrapnel, things like nails and small metal parts and sometimes theyre filled with chemical weapons like cloor reas chlorine and dropped from the sky. Assad developed 13,000 barrel bombs in 2016. Obviously if a barrel bomb is cause for u. S. Military intervention, this game has entirely changed. Even if sean spicer only meant barrel bombs carrying chemical weapons, assad launched eight such barrel bomb attacks 30

MBK chairman makes donation to promote Korean art at New York s Met

Seoul-based private equity firm MBK Partners Founder and Chairman Michael Byung-ju Kim has offered a donation to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to promote Korean art in the museum, the firm said Tuesday. The donation is part of the Korean Art Initiatives project, which was devised to honor the 25th anniversary of the Arts of Korea gallery at the museum, along with the Korea Foundation and the Samsung Foun.

Samsung возвращается в Россию Ее тут почти никто не ждет

Samsung может возобновить поставки своей техники на российский рынок, в частности, смартфоны, до конца 2022 г. Компания.

Najboljša letališča na svetu v 2021

Angleško podjetje Skytrax že od leta 1999 ocenjuje in razvršča najboljše letalske družbe ter najboljša letališča na svetu. Prvič je zmagalo letališče v Amsterdamu, potem pa se je začelo obdobje azijskih letališč, ki še kar traja. Enajstkrat so v tem času na prvo mesto uvrstili letališče Changi v Singapurju, osemkrat je bilo prvo letališče v Hongkongu. Letos je presenetilo letališče v Dohi, ki je bilo sicer ob zadnjem ocenjevanju tretje. Mimogrede, ocenjevalci se med svojimi obiski lotijo vsega: prijaznosti osebja, tehnološke naprednosti, čistoče, lokalov, bližine mesta, covidnih ukrepov na letališču… Ob deseterici, ki so jo izbirali s pomočjo strokovnjakov in potnikov med julijem in avgustom, so objavili tudi stoterico najboljših, med katerimi ni ne našega ne nam najbližjih letališč, še najbližje nam je dunajsko na 23. mestu, milanska Malpensa je na 78. mestu. Tisti, ki imajo dober spomin, se bodo spomnili, da so pred osmimi leti na naših straneh

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