This week, on a bit of a lark, we're going to discuss the most common weapon, by far, in the Iron Age Mediterranean (focusing on the period from the 8th to the 1st centuries BC): the humble, effective and ubiquitous thrusting spear. In particular, I want to discuss the striking fact that despite the wide…
Meadows Museum celebrates the 20th anniversary of its 66,000-square-foot building
Exterior of the Meadows Museum and its sculpture plaza with Santiago Calatravas Wave (2002) in foreground and Gerald J. Ford Stadium in background. Photo by Hillsman Jackson.
.- This year marks the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Meadows s 66,000-square-foot building, which is six times larger than the museums original space. Since its opening in 2001, the Meadows has become one of the most prominent university art museums in the country. It is internationally recognized for the quality of its collection of Spanish masterpieces by old masters to contemporary artists with one of the largest holdings of Spanish art outside of Spain. Artists represented include Velázquez, Ribera, El Greco, Murillo, Goya, Miró, Picasso and Dalí. Devotion to scholarship, innovative interpretation and prestigious partnerships with major art institutions and cultural organizations have made the