yeah, absolutely. i d just like, you know what i did was unforgivable. i m not asking for forgiveness. i just hope what happens here today brings them some type of closure and i really am sorry about what happened. okay. prosecutor? thank you, your honor. viviana tulli was young. she was beautiful. david goodell took her life because he could. because she simply dared to want a life apart from him. there is no good in this man. there is no remorse in this man. he strangled her. when he strangled her, he intended to kill her. he is purely, instantly, a
in the courtroom are viviana s family members, including her mother and older sister, stella tulli. this is the matter of the state of new jersey versus david goodell. goodell has made a deal for no more than 45 years in prison. but his public defender will make the case for less time. judge, i m sure there are a lot of people in this courtroom who consider mr. goodell to be the personification of evil, but i m going to ask the court to consider the other side of mr. goodell. because when i look at this presentence report, i see a person who s never really had a chance in life. both of his parents were addicts, he didn t have the support and love and nurturing that everyone needs growing up. i just ask that your honor consider these factors. and impose less than the maximum sentence. at least give him some chance, some hope that would help him get through this. would you like to say anything today? yeah, absolutely. i d just like, you know what
the bergen county jail in hackensack, new jersey, books about 7,600 men and women every year. look straight, man. most will leave within a day or two. but those who cannot make bond will be assigned to a housing unit until their cases are resolved. let s go, gentlemen. the majority of stays here usually occur without incident. but not david goodell s. this is david s picture from the arrest the day after the murder. he had attempted suicide or at least made gestures of attempting suicide prior to his arrest. after strangling his 21-year-old former girlfriend, viviana tulli, goodell drove around hackensack throughout the night and the following morning with her corpse seated beside him. i put a hat on her, some glasses. all the while i was doing that, i guess not to make her look
i would give you a hug but not. if you lie, they know. and if you re straightforward, they appreciate the honesty. the thing is, i was dead set on i don t like [ bleep ] i m going to raise hell. but then i got here, i m talking to him. you know what? i hate to admit this, i m not going to tell any of the officers this, but i like it up here. it s actually okay up here. maldonado will remain in the jail until his charges of aggravated assault and kidnapping are resolved. but david goodell s stay here is nearing an end. today is his sentencing. i m kind of grateful he s going to be leaving and will be in the custody of the state. he s been a challenge to the security staff, the mental health staff, the medical staff, all during his tenure here. his ability to create and cause problems, it will not be missed, i will tell you that. all rise, come to order. good afternoon, you can all have a seat. in the courtroom are viviana s family members,
cars were jumping on the sidewalk. i went across the highway. i lost the cops for a little bit. just due to my erratic driving. mind you, the whole time i was holding her hand. but rigor mortis set in. it was like hard and cold, you know what i m saying? so i get cornered, i went down into a cul-de-sac. so i m like, you know what, i m going to just full speed ahead. so i ran the car right through the roadblock. boom! mother [ bleep ]! don t you [ bleep ] move! get out of the car! get out of the car! as officers attempt to subdue goodell, they have no idea the passenger is the deceased viviana tulli. woke up in the hospital. i m like this, prosecutor is also there. i m all stitched up. i m on tv.