you don t. she is saying we denied it was a terrorist attack and i don t think anybody believed that. for her to say hillary clinton s position is it is open season on america or leading us down that path is not responsible. the reaction is really nothing. the first person was arrested over a year later. maybe more than a year later. in terms of, you cannot mess with us as a message, was that communicated? i think carly fiorina is doing a great job exposing hillary clinton for what she is,: a liar and deceiver. she deceived americans. clearly people are watching hillary clinton. 58% believe she is lying about
forbid something happens at home. that s my fear, too. i led new york 8 through september 11. i vowed then i would do everything in my power to not let that happen again. as you just saw in that clip, we have to shut down internet or pulpits or prisons to preach jihad. what happened almost happened in garland, texas. what happened in chattanooga are not isolated incidents. this is a conscious strategy to attack other americans. we also have to destroy isis overseas before they can attack us here. martha: there is a front page story about at&t and access they have given to the nsa. that makes the front page. people say oh, my gosh, they are looking at my internet. you have to give up privacy to
retribution. instead she apologized and what signal did that send to the bad guys all over? it said open season, we can attack an embassy, murder four americans and nothing happens. we have chief political respondant for conservative review and the executive director of the new york democrat party. good to have have you here. do you think she has a point? not at all. i think it is an irresponsible analysis of secretary clinton s position. how so? number one, there is no policy that secretary clinton put forward saying it is open season she is saying the fact he said it was because of a movie and apologize for the horrible cob content of the movie it put us in a different posture of no,
the plan america need on lifting our minority community out of poverty by preventing corporations to bring new workers overseas. he s talking about american i.t. companies who bring in foreign workers to pay a lower wage and laying off american workers and forcing them to train their new lower-paid foreign replacements. trump specifically addresses that saying he would put an end to that as well as other visa programs that bring in foreign workers and displace americans. bill: he was making a lot of headlines over the weekend. martha: donald trump is doing
the e-mails, 60% of americans don t trust the woman at all. instead of being a leader and coming out saying this was a terrorist attack, which hillary and her senior advisors, knew this, and she is not being held accountable. she agreed to testify in front of a committee and already did it. i would not trust carly fiorina to talk about control. she laid off 30,000 people in the stock take during her tenure at ibm. so getting advice from her the question raised by carly fiorina is obviously concerning to the american people. there is a poll saying do you