this is a this is a process of understanding the character as well as the competence and intelligence of the person you re going to put on the bench. this requires a full vet. so, ashley, to your other point that there is plan a and plan a so far, it appears based on reporting that judge kavanaugh was in the white house for a long day again today and over in the executive office building, the term of art is murder boards. there was something of a murder board, kind of a mock hearing to throw at him any and all uncomfortable questions they could think of to prepare him for monday. there sure was. and to the white house s credit, our understanding is that they re also doing what they should do which is their due diligence. they understand that he s made very clear he wants to fight this and their natural inclination as always as led by this president is to fight, is to double down, but before they re going to back him. you notice they made him put a lot of the stuff in his own
bench. this requires a full vet. so, ashley, to your other point that there is plan a and plan a so far, it appears based on reporting that judge kavanaugh was in the white house for a long day again today and over in the executive office building, the term of art is murder boards. there was something of a murder board, kind of a mock hearing to throw at him any and all uncomfortable questions they could think of to prepare him for monday. there sure was. and to the white house s credit, our understanding is that they re also doing what they should do which is their due diligence. they understand that he s made very clear he wants to fight this and their natural inclination as always as led by this president is to fight, is to double down, but before they re going to back him. you notice they made him put a lot of the stuff in his own
have to go through this. and he was talking about himself. thinking of what he had to go through with the ing a stacces hollywo hollywood tapes and these women that are still assailing him for sexual misconduct and what it s done to him and what it could do to him in the future. he was all together more thoughtful, or as you say, more controlled, than he usually is. i think for the discipline that s been imposed on him and how high the stakes are, but also because it could be him. exactly. yeah. and the washington post is already delivering from the leakiest white house in history the inside the white house activity that s been going on since the panic has struck yesterday. the washington post reporting the white house officials engaged in a two hour practice session known as a murder board. in the eisenhower executive office building with kavanaugh where he answered questions on his past, his partying, his
been engaged in full-on effort to prepare the judge for monday s hearing if it does happen. kavanaugh and white house counsel along with other white house officials met again monitoring news coverage and discussing a strategy. known as a murder board. balker says kavanaugh answered questions on his partying,dating and his accuser s story. in addition, participants included bill shine, press secretary sanders. and meanwhile, orrin hatch s comments regarding what kavanaugh told him. hatch said kavanaugh denied being at the party during a phone call between the two. but yesterday the senator meant to say kavanaugh said he wasn t
powerful judicial position in the land. et even one that has the ability to say to a sitting president or sitting elected officials whether or not they have the power to act on something. you definitely want to make sure you have someone with the fullest integrity. this is not a criminal trial. this is a this is a process of understanding the character as well as the competence and intelligence of the person you re going to put on the bench. this requires a full vet. so, ashley, to your other point that there is plan a and plan a so far, it appears based on reporting that judge kavanaugh was in the white house for a long day again today and over in the executive office building, the term of art is murder boards. there was something of a murder board, kind of a mock hearing to throw at him any and all uncomfortable questions they could think of to prepare him for monday. there sure was. and to the white house s credit, our understanding is that