Martin De Ruyter/Stuff
Mayor Tim King says while the reason for receiving the funding was clearly explained, it appeared to be unclear how it was utilised. Councillors appeared surprised this month when they were told the size of the Moutere account balance during a discussion about the proposed Māpua boat ramp. The RFCs were discussed again on Thursday at an extraordinary council meeting that was called to consider a notice of motion on funding sources for a Motueka pool project. During deliberations for the Long Term Plan 2021-31, councillors agreed to bring forward the timing of the business case for the pool by a year to 2021-22, with a $150,000 budget for that work to become available in tranches of $50,000 in 2021-22 and $100,000 in 2022-23. Councillors also agreed to bring forward the construction of the pool to 2023-24 with $3m funding for that work to be one-third community contribution, 50 per cent from the Motueka RFC account and the remainder from the district fac