Hempfield supervisors approved a comprehensive plan this week which will guide the township’s actions for the next 10 to 15 years. The township supervisors began drafting the plan about a year and a half ago to fulfill a requirement under the state Municipalities Planning Code. The supervisors were slated to
East Deer is suing its zoning hearing board over a decision that recommended three of four electronic billboards be built. The township, which filed the appeal last week, claims the zoning hearing board’s decision to recommend allowing three electronic billboards in the township was “arbitrary.” It alleges the board erred
Zoning and land development are two related, but separate, concepts. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court recently highlighted this difference in the context of a land development application in the case of .
Hempfield supervisors will vote this month on a comprehensive plan that maps out the priorities of the township over the next 10 to 15 years. The plan’s goals include improving township signage, expanding sidewalks and trails, removing blighted property, developing available property on Route 30, preserving greenspace and evaluating the