Mika Aino worked eight years as a women s counselor for a municipality in Hiroshima Prefecture, but burned out and strapped for cash, the 54-year-old domestic abuse survivor decided to call it quits.
Formerly Professor of Food and Beverage and Service Operations Management at EHL, Ian Scarth has a background in strategic development and leadership within the hotel and hospitality sectors. In this article he gives his views on the culture of fear and bullying the hospitality industry has gained a reputation for. He aims to shed light on our sector which is struggling with the contradiction between its core purpose of offering hospitality and the often-highlighted bullying, we have not yet eliminated from parts of our industry.
Thousands of Myanmar garment workers strike over pay cuts; India: Outsourced municipal workers strike in Andhra Pradesh corporations; Pakistan: Garment workers demonstrate in Karachi for higher pay; Western Australia: Shell responds to workers’ pay demands by shutting down offshore LNG platform.