A labourer lost his life after falling from the third floor of the hydrocracker plant within Surathkal police station limits. The deceased is Mangra Oroan, 38, from the Ranchi district of Jharkhand state. The incident occurred during the 9pm shift on Tuesday. A case has been registered against JC Engineering Company, MRPL safety officer, and the site supervisor. DYFI president condemned the incident and demanded action and compensation for the victim's family.
Thousands of protesters demand withdrawal of chargesheet filed by police against 101 individuals, including political leaders, advocates, and social activists, involved in Surathkal tollgate protest. Govt urged to reconsider legal action taken under IPC sections for peaceful assembly based on public interest.
The Mangaluru Urban Development Authority (Muda) raises objections to the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) for violating TDR rules by recommending TDR issuance to an individual not the landowner. Former MUDA commissioner's bribery case and CPM's allegations add controversy to the situation. MUDA urges cancellation of MCC's TDR agreement and government investigation.
Mangaluru: A forum of like-minded organisations has urged the Lokayukta not to allow the Mangaluru Urban Development Authority (Muda) or any other dep.
Mangaluru: Though the CPM is not in the fray for the Lok Sabha elections in the coastal districts, the party has been campaigning against the BJP govt.