laura: a grown man doing a back flip. an fbi grown man. something sad to report. 98-year-old jerry is the last of the munchkins in the wizards of oz. he was a member of the lollipop guild who presented dover thee with the lollipop. thank you for doing the. \m we wish to welcome you /m \m to munchkin land /m \m. laura: they were paid less than toado. he made a hundred bucks the
you cannot conduct diplomacy and other foreign leaders to be c candid and open with the conversations with the president if some munchkin will leak their conversation. there are munchkins in the white house? bolton looks forward to the challenges and any past comments, including fiercely supporting the iraq war are behind him. we have cnn s jeff zeleny with more from the white house. reporter: christine and dave, donald trump starting a friday morning with another staff shakeup. last evening, the president naming a new national security adviser john bolton. the former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and now a fox news contributor is coming in as national security adviser replacing h.r. mcmaster. a 34-year military veteran brought in a year ago to right
talking points or transcript. what does he have against munchkins anyway? bolton looks forward to the challenges and any past comments, including fiercely supporting the iraq war are behind him. let s discuss this with phillip wegmann. we also think about food at this time of morning. this is like no more mild salsa. bring in the ghost pepper salsa. calling for a preemptive strike on north korea for john bolton. he said that in late february. here is how he explains the positions and how it fits the president s goals now. i have never been shy about my views. frankly, what i have said in private now is behind me. the important thing is what the
the united states-russian interests. i think it was naive but i wish he would have listen to his advisors. i want to be clear, i ll take these leaks from munchkins or anyone at the white house. i m happy to have the leaks. they re not good for the president. bill: okay. i think early on your exactly right. early on the first month we were getting leaks every day of private conversations and that indeed was not good and minut bolt is like 7 2 . and commenting on john bolton, you both know very well they are of like mind when it comes to israel, trump and bolton and of like mind in helping build up saudi arabia and that was evident in the arms sale to
expect other foreign leaders to be candid and open in their conversations with the president if some munchkin in the executive branch decides to leak the talking points to the transcript or any other aspect of it. bill: incoming national security adviser john bolton reacting to the leaks in the west wing after a phone call between president trump and vladamir putin leaked earlier in the week. steven hayes and marie, how does this happen and how do you track down the munchkins? it s hard to determine who leakers are. this administration has seen a remarkably number of leaks which is never a good thing but they also should take a good and long hard look at why people are leaking and i think someone was