clashes erupting along the border with gaza and egypt. there are reports of multiple fatalities. and the fear now is that a decades old peace treaty between israel and egypt could now be threatened. meanwhile, the al jazeera television network satellite network reports many fatalities. after the deadly clashes erupted on the egyptian side of the city of rafah on the border of egypt and gaza. coming departure, bringing weapons. then when president mumbarak did not step down, they began to shoot at state security guards. with us from rafah, israel judith miller. disturbing reports from that rejean region tonight, judith. president s extremely confusing message tonight. i m really glad that all of our
suleiman, the former security chief accused by his own people of torturing them over the years. the chant from tahrir square today was no suleiman. mumbarak must go. suleiman must go. and now we wait for the light of day.
bill: mumbarak know as lot of bad things about the united states. i m sure you are aware of that. let me say. this the united states and egypt have been a partner for a long time. bill: right. he has done some bad things. he has been a good partner when it comes to the peace with israel. there have been counter terrorism efforts. he has been very supportive of. bill: obviously the president didn t want any part of that question and it s understandable. mubarak was a good partner with america in keeping peace with israel and fighting al qaeda. he helped us a lot. but secret police are brutal and he abused his own people in criminal ways. so, if mumbarak wants to, he can hurt the u.s.a. no question about that. cold truth is, america did what it had to do. it dealt with mumbarak because it needed peace between israel and the other arab states. after 9/11 we needed a friend that would fight the terrorists. mumbarak did those things but also committed terrible crimes along the way
follow-up appointment. a 12-year-old doesn t necessarily know the damage that s been done to her when she sees something that s grossly above her age level. bill: the jury threw it out. what she is ready for. it s a tough case. bill: megyn clerks everybody, thank you. coming right back with the inside story of mumbarak s refusal to leave power. then, jay leno a little late to the party but weighing in on the obama o reilly interview coming up.
good. not just blowing smoke here about what comes. in from what we know, early in the day, mumbarak is getting out of there. the army is going to take over. stabilize things. the election comes in september. and all of a sudden mumbarak says i m not going anywhere i m going to punch the demonstrators. what happened? it s unclear, bill, whether president mumbarak never intended to the step down and my sources and the sources of a lot of other reporters and news organizations here in washington were simply wrong or whether he in fact changed his mind somewhere along the line. officials here at the state department, even an hour after mumbarak s speech ended were still huddling as were their national security counterparts at the white house trying to figure out mumbarak s speech exactly, which powers he transferred to the vice president omar suleiman. what exact role the military is going to play what what they re telling me as well it won t meet the ultimate litmus test which is the r