Mumbai Police in its order said that whereas reports have been received that in the areas under the control of Commissioner of Police, Mumbai, it is noticed that flying balloons, high riser crackers, light emitting objects, kites etc are sent up in and around the airspace
According to the Mumbai Police sources, on April 1, between 8 am and 10 am, a fishing boat was spotted around 55 nautical miles from the west coast of Mumbai in the Arabian Sea. The fishing boat had entered the restricted area of ONGC near BPA platform in disobedience to the orders of patrol boat T 16 of the Indian Navy
According to the Mumbai Police, the properties in Dahisar, Gujarat and Nallasopara areas valuing over Rs. 2.56 crore were seized by the police. The properties allegedly belong to the prime accused in the 2022 major drug bust by Mumbai Crime Branch's Anti-Narcotics Cell