A massive fire broke out in India's financial capital city of Mumbai on early Wednesday morning. At least one person was reported dead while several were injured as the fire engulfed the Azad Nagar slum area of Bhayandar East.
“One person has died, 2 Mahanagar Palika Fire Brigade personnel and other 2-3 people have suffered injuries,” Deputy Commissioner of Police Prakash Gaikwad told news agency ANI.
According to reports, the deceased has been identified as Deepak Chaurasia while a firefighter named Shivaji Sawant was also injured.
The move came after the Mumbai Fire Brigade had a tough time dousing a blaze which broke out on the 42nd floor of a 44-storey residential tower at Dadar (East) on January 26. Thus far, at least five companies have approached the civic body to present their technology.
A fire in a highrise building in Bandra West on Monday once again turned the spotlight on fire safety in plush societies in Mumbai, especially because they can afford to keep it functional and yet don’t. Some highrises (owing to their height) are not within the reach of the fire brigade equipment.