Mumbai Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze arrested in connection with the case pertaining to an abandoned SUV near the home of industrialist Mukesh Ambani was suspended from service for the second time in about 17 years, official .
Ambani bomb scare: Arrested Mumbai cop Sachin Vaze suspended
Mumbai Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze arrested in connection with the case pertaining to an abandoned SUV near the home of industrialist Mukesh Ambani was suspended from service for the second time in about 17 years, official sources said here on Monday.
Pune s rickshaw driver becomes overnight sensation
Mumbai Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze arrested in connection with the case pertaining to an abandoned SUV near the home of industrialist Mukesh Ambani was suspended from service for the second time in about 17 years, official sources said here on Monday.
Mumbai Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze arrested in connection with the case pertaining to an abandoned SUV near the home of industrialist Mukesh Ambani was suspended from service for the second time in about 17 years, official .
Mumbai Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze has put up a WhatsApp status saying “time to say goodbye to the world” is getting closer amid the controversy surrounding his role in Mansukh Hiren’s death.
Updated Dec 29, 2020 · 03:18 pm A file photo of Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami. | Sujit Jaiswal/AFP
The Mumbai Police submitted before a court on Monday that Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami had allegedly bribed television rating agency Broadcast Audience Research Council’s former Chief Executive Officer Partho Dasgupta with “lakhs of rupees” to ramp up his channel’s viewership,
The Indian Express reported.
This is the first time the city police have named Goswami for his involvement in the alleged Television Rating Points manipulation scam. Dasgupta, on the other hand, was arrested in connection with the case on December 24, and was last week remanded to judicial custody till December 28.