/PRNewswire/ Multifamily Leadership is thrilled to announce the national ranking of the Best Places to Work Multifamily® for Women. This list recognizes.
/PRNewswire/ Patrick Antrim, Founder and CEO of Multifamily Leadership and Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council, introduced a new award.
/PRNewswire/ Multifamily Leadership announced the official ranking for the 2023 Best Places to Work Multifamily® Program. Listmakers found out how they.
PHOENIX, AZ - 365 Connect, the leading provider of award-winning marketing, leasing, and resident service platforms for the multifamily housing industry, announced today that the company’s CEO, Kerry W. Kirby, will speak at the Multifamily Innovation Summit. The event, catering exclusively to multifamily professionals, runs from December 7 – 8, 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Launched by the founders of Multifamily Leadership, Patrick and Carrie Antrim, the Multifamily Innovation Summit.
/PRNewswire/ 365 Connect, the leading provider of award-winning marketing, leasing, and resident service platforms for the multifamily housing industry,.