Hearings continue in the case of abuse by Russia Convention on the prohibition of genocide 32 countries on the third day of hearings speak in support of ukraine, this is an unprecedented number of states participating in the process, in their speeches they presented their vision of the case and cited articles of the convention that relate to ukraines claim on the romanian side, not far from the border with ukraine, tourists found a human body established that it was a man from zaporizhzhia, the state Border Service reports that the skeleton of a man born in 1988 was found in a difficulttoreach Mountain Area opposite of the Border Guard Department of shibene, the deceased was in a jacket, which indicates that he had been there for a long time. The Border Guards noted that this was the 24th case since the beginning of the fullscale war when a ukrainian of draft age died on the border of ukraine with the eu countries. Almost uah 146 million was saved on medical purchases for the current y
Seat eight. Robert muehlbauer seat nine. Rita evans seat two. Chuck burwell seat six. Daniel weaver seat five. And gwynn seat four. Okay. Sounds good. Can somebody make so moved. Any objection . Nope. I just want to thank everyone for their participation. I agree and concur with all of your recommendations supervisor. Okay. I also like to thank everybody for their interest in this and its close enough to my home. Thats why i asked the question whether or not you can make the meeting because its important to my district also. Okay. So with that motion passes. [gavel] congratulations. Lets see where are we . Item number 3. Item number 3 madam clerk. Item number three is a hearing considering appointing six months terms ending november 18, 2016 to the urban forestry council. There are six seats and eight applicants. So we have a request to continue this item due to an emergency that affected the ability for the applicants to attend this meeting. However we will hold Public Comment on this
Quorums sometimes. Is that going to be a problem for any of the applicants that they cannot make meetings . Okay. I just want to make sure. In the past we would ask anybody thats been in any committee whether or not they have been making meetings because its important for us sitting here to appoint people that will be serious about their positions, and not just have a name in the position and never show up and it causes problems for the committee as you have heard from some of the speakers. Okay. Is there any Public Comments on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel]. Colleagues my staff and i actually went through the list pretty carefully to see how there are actually nine seats and eight applicants, and so we went through the application peoples applications we tried to figure out how we could arrange it so if any its acceptable to us as a committee to appoint each one of them and there were overlapping interest in certain seats so we couldnt have two people s
On items sixnine . Seeing none Public Comment on these items would be closed. [gavel]. Colleagues is there a motion to convene the closed session . So moved. Okay. No objection. Members of the public we will now be convening in closed session. We would ask that you please leave the Committee Room until and you may come back after the closed session as we continue item number okay. Deputy City Attorney john gibner. During the closed session the Committee Voted Unanimously to forward six, search, eight, nine with full recommendation. Thank you City Attorney john gibner. Colleagues can i have a motion to not disclose what happened in the closed session . So moved. Second. A motion passes without objection. [gavel] i believe the people are here for item five. Five or four . Four or five . Okay. This is four. Okay. Madam clerk can you please call item four. Item four is an ordinance administering the administrative code and establish children, youth and their families oversight and advisory
University of California School of law. We are here because rick has written a terrific new book cheap speech how disinformation points as ouron politics and how to cure. Were going to ask rick a number of questions about the book. And then want to get your questions. Please be sure to send them into the youtube chat. Rick, i find the title of the book quite provocative. You call it cheap speech what you mean by cheap speech . Firstly think the Commonwealth Club for putting this form together. I would have helped by the samba could do it in person hopefully next time wet are together havig conversation will be able to do it facetoface with thank you irwin as always for agreeing to be here. The term cheap speech is not mine it originates with a student professor he wrote an article in the yield law journal back in 1995 where he was talking about the upcoming information revolution. And many ways it was a pressing discussion and that piece great talks about things like what would now see