Electronics Mart India Ltd has commenced the commercial operation of a new Multi Brand Store under the brand name BAJAJ ELECTRONICS on 07th April 2023 at the following location in Telangana.
Electronics Mart India Limited announced that the company has commenced the commercial operation of a new Multi Brand Store under the brand name ‘BAJAJ ELECTRONICS’ on 1st April 2023, via an exchange filing.
The disclosure is pursuant to Regulation 30(4) of the SEBI (LODR) 2015.
The newly commenced store has an area of 6,765 square feet at Tenali, Andhra Pradesh.
Electronics Mart India Limited has commenced the commercial operation of a new Multi Brand Store under the brand name BAJAJ ELECTRONICS on 01st April 2023 at the Andhra Pradesh.
Just over three years since its launch and subsequent meteoritic and seemingly unstoppable rise, the Disney+ direct-to-consumer service has seen its first rever.