Veteran Marathi actor Mahesh Manjrekar recently made his directorial debut in Bollywood. Mahesh directed Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma starrer Antim: The Final Truth. The film is the official adaptation of the 2018 Marathi film Mulshi Pattern in which Mahesh played a pivotal role. Recently, Mahesh Manjrekar and Salman Khan got into a conversation […]
Starring Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma and Mahima Makwana, Antim: The Final Truth is directed by Mahesh Manjrekar and produced by Salma Khan, and presented by Salman Khan Films. The remake of the successful Marathi film Mulshi Pattern , has the superstar playing the character of a Sikh cop. The plot
Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma-starrer Antim: The Final Truth has finally hit screens, and bhai’s fans are elated. Considering only 50 per cent occupancy in theatres, the collections of Antim are not bad. Reacting to this Salman jokes, “I am used to Rs 35 crores to Rs 40 crores per day.” So far, as per trade sources, Saturday and Sunday collections were Rs 5.25 crores and Rs 7.75 crores.