OzAurum Resources Limited (ASX:OZM) Quarterly Activities Report
Quarterly Activities ReportPerth, April 29, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - OzAurum Resources Ltd (
ASX:OZM) is pleased to announce a summary of activities for the March 2021 Quarter. Commencing our 50,000m Stage 1 drilling program at the Mulgabbie North Project, north east of Kalgoorlie has been the Company s core focus over the Quarter. A substantial amount of both RC and aircore drilling has been completed and we are ~30% into the program at Quarter end.
- Completed an over-subscribed IPO raising $12m to fund a multi-year exploration effort at the Company s advanced gold projects 130km north east of Kalgoorlie;
OzAurum Resources Limited (ASX:OZM) Half Yearly Report and Accounts
Half Yearly Report and AccountsPerth, April 21, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - OzAurum Resources Limited (
ASX:OZM) has acquired a 100% interest in all of the Tenements and Tenement Applications pursuant to completion of the Option Agreements that occurred on 27 October 2020. The OzAurum Group s two projects, the Mulgabbie Project and Patricia Project, together cover an area of approximately 70.6km2.
In October 2020, drilling at Mulgabbie North was conducted which comprised 8 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes and one diamond drill hole. All drill holes intercepted significant gold Mineralisation and associated alteration.
On 10 December 2020 the Company issued a prospectus to raise up to $12,000,000 through the issue of up to 48,000,000 shares at an issue price of $0.25 per share. Following a successful capital raising the Company issued 48,000,000 shares on 27 January 2021 and satisfied the listing requi
OzAurum Resources Limited (ASX:OZM) Additional High-Grade Gold Intercepts Incl 14m at 3.89g/t Au
Additional High-Grade Gold Intercepts Incl 14m at 3.89g/t AuPerth, April 12, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - OzAurum Resources Ltd (
ASX:OZM) is pleased to announce further Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling results from its initial 20,000 metre (m) drilling campaign at the Mulgabbie North Project situated North East of Kalgoorlie, including twenty-one holes for 4,038m of drilling.
- RC holes that intersected significant gold mineralisation, include:
o 14m @ 3.89 g/t gold (Au) - (within 27m @ 2.2 g/t Au and including 5m @ 9.44 g/t Au from 25m) MNORC 038
OzAurum Resources Limited (ASX:OZM) New High Grade Aircore Gold Zone 4m at 6.3g/t EOH
New High Grade Aircore Gold Zone 4m at 6.3g/t EOHPerth, Mar 15, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - OzAurum Resources Ltd (
ASX:OZM) is pleased to announce the first Aircore (AC) drilling results from thirty one holes for 2,156 meters (m) of drilling at its Mulgabbie North Project situated two kilometres from the Northern Star Resources (
ASX:NST) Carosue Dam Operations which have produced approximately 1.5 million ounces of gold to date.
o 4m @ 6.3 g/t gold (Au) from 48m End of Hole (EOH)-MNOAC 020
o 4m @ 1.51 g/t Au from 64m-MNOAC 019
Perth, Australia - OzAurum Resources Ltd is pleased to announce the first Aircore drilling results from thirty one holes for 2,156 meters of drilling at its Mulgabbie North Project situated two kilometres from the Northern Star Resources Carosue Dam Operations which have produced approximately 1.5 million ounces of gold to date. Highlights - AC holes that intersected significant gold mineralisation from 4m composite .