What a difference a week makes! It’s a beautiful fall day here. Last week is was black ice, snow and wind. The roads were so bad last week that I canceled selling calves..
The weather changed so fast yesterday that it about made my head spin. Went from nice to nasty in about 30 seconds at my place! Makes a person wonder what they did with their summer.
Fall works are progressing along nicely, what with the mostly nice weather we’ve had. My cows are on their fall and winter pasture, calves preconditioned and consigned and cow preg checked. It’s good to have.
It’s finally spring! For this week anyway. Branding season is in full swing, mares are foaling, rodeo season is on, and the grass is growing. In regard to the grass growing, keep an eye on.
It’s sure been a nicer week here at my place. I’m really enjoying the temps and the fact that the stock can be grazing instead of eating high priced hay. Hopefully we’ve had our.