Loan Industry Can Undergo Tremendous Transformation By Going Digital: Sunil Dewali, COO, Andromeda Loans
Andromeda is India’s largest loan distributor with more than 2000 employees. Sunil Dewali is the COO of the company. In this free-wheeling chat, Mr Dewali talks about how he began and what drives him to work as hard as he did 25 years ago when he started! 05 April 2021 2021-04-05T20:34:32+05:30
1. Why did you decide to enter the lending business?
Fortunately, accidentally! Back in the 1990s, I was looking for a job and what better place to start than the world of financial services? I am a self-made person and started my career as a sales person and continue to remain proudly hand-on involved in the day-to-day operations of the business.