Mukesh Ambani Death Threat Latest News: The Chairman of Reliance Industries, Mukesh Ambani, found himself at the center of a disturbing incident on Friday as he received a harrowing death threat via email. The email, received by Ambani, demanded an extortion payment of Rs 20 crores and ominously warned of dire consequences, including the threat of a shooting, if the demands were not met.
Mukesh Ambani London: Mukesh Ambani, along with his family was all set to leave his Mumbai Antilia residence and move to a new property in London that they recently acquired.
Mukesh Ambani London: News broke out stating that Reliance Industries Limited chairperson Mukesh Ambani was planning to live in the United Kingdom along with his family, after their acquisition of Stoke Park estate. However, the company in a statement called the reports baseless.
Mumbai: "Yeh sirf trailer hai [This is only a trailer]," read the letter, which was found in an abandoned SUV with explosive material parked outside business tycoon and Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani's house in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The content of the letter, kept next to the driver's seat in a 'Mumbai Indians' bag, was made public today. High security outside