Developing Gwadar is the government’s foremost priority, Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal said on Sunday as soon as he landed in the port city. During his Gwadar tour, Jam Kamal was accompanied by provincial minister for industries Haji Muhammad Khan Tur Utmankhel. The chief minister was received on the tarmac by Commissioner Makran Shah Irfan Ghirshen and other senior officials. Jam Kamal Khan later visited the Sunset Park along with famous racers of the Gwadar Off-road Jeep Rally. Appreciating the unique park, he said that the provincial government was working to fully exploit tourism potential of the province. No-confidence motion The Hazara Democratic Party will .
A no-confidence motion against Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Alyani is likely to be tabled and put to a vote in the Balochistan Assembly on Wednesday, October 20, that is, the next week. Balochistan Governor Syed Zahorr Ahmed Agha has summoned a session of the provincial assembly on October 20 and it is expected that a no-confidence motion from the dissident members of the ruling Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) would be tabled in the session. The dissident members had submitted the motion with the assembly secretariat on October 12. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Balochistan government Liaquat Shahwani has claimed that the dissident BAP members were being manipulated by the P.