man of family values, in cheating on a wife? i mean, cheating on a spouse is never good. cheating on your dying wife while she has cancer, really bad. very sad. but i can tell you, sadly, if you choose to call it sad, it is not that union common. and what do you do when you have an affair? well, unless you have an open marriage, you hide it. i m talking about millions of americans who then want to get up on their high horses and criticize other people and get into their bedrooms for their own purient interests. this isn t about splicing and dicing according to character our candidates. this is about americans want to go use others sex lives to get high on erot sism themselves. that s what this is about. and you know what, he s not volunteering for it. didn t volunteer for it, it was a private matter between him and a woman, and they have a daughter. megyn: does it become our business as he runs for office? never. mug mig it s not that he just had an affair on his
identification. as you were talking about, the microchips in the cards would contain biometric information for each cardholder such as fingerprints or some scan of the hand. it would enable employers to run the card and make sure the employee is in the u.s. legally. and senator graham argues that this is similar to a social security card, but more secure. megyn: interesting. does it actually have a chance, when you got bipartisanship on sponsoring it, schumer and graham, does it have a chance of actually getting through the senate? yes. it s very interesting to see how that bipartisanship might extend to other republicans. nobody has sort of jumped up and said i m on board as well. democratic leaders in congress and president obama seem to be more focused on health care and the economy in the near term, although as you were just saying, fox has confirmed that senator schumer and graham will be meeting with the president on thursday to discuss immigration reform. that s the broader le
like wants it to come back and be present again. mug mig they re hoping. the latest polls say they re feeling better this year than they were last year at least so there s a little progress being made there. my dad was a ford guy, sold lincoln, fords and mercuries his whole life. megyn: we ll have kid rock in a bit on his many travels overseas to help our to help our troops, we ll talk about that in a moment. in the meantime one person who might not agree with kid rock s view is rosie o donnell, the talk show host and jenin garafolo going off in a new and sometimes ugly way on all conservatives, yesterday. fox media analyst bernie goldberg joins me in three minutes to talk about the thinking behind this new attack, but first, here s a little sample: i don t know what makes one a rush limbaugh fan. how do you get there? and how is it he s able to be a junkie, literally, and sort of still have reference, respect, and be heralded as the leader of these, you know