public safety is our most concern. you will hear a noise. it will sound something like a muffled shotgun noise. that s strictly powder going off as we will probably explode the windows, explode the trunk. we don t want to open it ourselves. we want to let a robot open it so we can make sure there s nothing in there that can cause anybody any harm. that s what will you see taking place probably over the next hour. after that we will then go into the theater itself. keep in mind that s a cream scene. we still have bodies in there, okay? the shooter is still in there. at least one other person. so we need to get back in there, make sure that is completely clear. there s a couple of objects in there, some dogs hit on it earlier. we will go in there, check those out. we will x-ray them make sure there s nothing that concerns us in there. once we get that cleared, hopefully that will take maybe another hour or so to do that here s the deal. as long as it takes, it will take. we want to make