a white house that actually on this one is reacting. is not driving this through, controversy and tweets and all the other things, but seems time and time again, from calling pelosi yesterday under pressure, to releasing the notes, to then releasing the whistle-blower complaint, they seem really off balance. i think this is a white house that knows it s in trouble. one of the things we were hearing in some reports, which seem to explain and this is consistent with the mueller report, as well, so many white house staff trying to reign donald trump in from violating the law. that was part of the mueller report on obstruction. which is a great point, actually. because the press reports are saying that national security people didn t want him to make this call, because he was going to do exactly what he wound up doing. and he got rid of his seasoned national intelligence personnel. and one of the so it sounds like he was free to do what he wanted to do. maya and nick, thank you
matter at all and what mattered was facts and law. so given that, i think my view of this whole thing is rather circumscribed. i look at the report. i look at what mueller said. same thing, by the way. and the case for impeachment or indictment or what have you is overwhelming, kasie. it s not a close call. and if you just read volume two of the mueller report on obstruction, right, everything that members of congress need is right there. and so while others will make the political calculation, i think there is an imperative. it s to do the right thing. it s to take the facts, apply the law. congress has all the authority it needs. it now has all the facts it needs. and to move forward with a bit of courage and a stiffer spine than they ve shown so far. what s your view of how important it is to launch an actual impeachment proceeding as opposed to proceeding in the courts the way they are so far? i don t know that they re mutually exclusive, but, by the way, if you launch an
it begins in the house. that s what is in the constitution. somebody has to stand up and ripping the bell and say read the mueller report. i don t care if you re a democrat or a republican. read the mueller report on obstruction. as the more than 600 federal prosecutors that, there it is. the criminal indictment is right in front of us. mueller made clear that all the elements are there for obstruction. criminal obstruction. in multiple incidents. congress cannot cover its ears and close its eyes and pretend this isn t happening. this is about what kind of a country we are. we swore not just to protect donald trump. we swore to protect the constitution of the united states of america. and that is what is called for here. you talk about mitch mcconnell on the floor today. i think there s a widespread view that i think is probably
ripping the bell and say read the mueller report. i don t care if you re a democrat or a republican. read the mueller report on obstruction. as the more than 600 federal prosecutors that, there it is. the criminal indictment is right in front of us. mueller made clear that all the elements are there for obstruction. criminal obstruction. in multiple incidents. congress cannot cover its ears and close its eyes and pretend this isn t happening. this is about what kind of a country we are. we swore not just to protect donald trump. we swore to protect the constitution of the united states of america. and that is what is called for here. you talk about mitch mcconnell on the floor today. i think there s a widespread view that i think is probably correct. that there s just no way there
difference here between firing comey and firing sessions is this. there s no one telling trump that firing sessions is a good idea right now. and when he fired comey there were people telling him that, notably jared and ivanka. so i think that even the president in all his impetuousness is not ready to pull this trigger before the mid-term elections because he knows how politically calamitous it would be, or at least he s being told how politically calamitous it would be. really quick, reading the tea leaves, they say he s talking about after the election because they ve got to wait on the mueller report on obstruction is released. mueller has got to do that sometime between now and probably after the election at this point. so they need that report to come out so the president s more free to make a change. gentlemen, thank you. news doesn t get any fresher than that. and coming up for us as we