yeah, so first, brian, i don t take any joy in writing that piece. i love the justice department. i ve really respected every attorney general regardless of party in the past, but i do feel like president trump s anti-constitutional rot is infecting now the attorney general, the highest legal officer in the land. and in particular, that clip you just showed, i think, demonstrates the problem. you know, barr said last week to cbs that comey correction that mueller could have reached a judgment, that he thought it was fine that the office of legal counsel opinion that prohibits indicting a sitting president doesn t mean that mueller couldn t have made a decision about obstruction of justice. when i watched that, and brian, actually, you play a role in the sequence of events, actually, because when i watched that i thought, i think i ve discussed this with brian, and i realized that you and i were watching the
cbs that comey correction that mueller could have reached a judgment, that he thought it was fine that the office of legal counsel opinion that prohibits indicting a sitting president doesn t mean that mueller couldn t have made a decision about obstruction of justice. when i watched that, and brian, actually, you play a role in the sequence of events, actually, because when i watched that i thought, i think i ve discussed this with brian, and i realized that you and i were watching the confirmation hearing of one william barr together on your network a few months ago, and barr said exactly the reverse, that actually comey we went o and criticized comey when he didn t indict hillary clinton for then attacking hillary clinton. he said, that isn t what the justice department does. that s not the way it does business. you either indict or be quiet. now he s saying something very different. i think it furthers this underlying perception that we have an attorney general who is willing
i will can die in prison but il not lie to say i didn t tell the truth to the special counsel. laura: i believe him. i don t know. you know you have a certain radar about people and things. let me tell you a little secret. let me tell you a little secret about jerome corsi and papadopoulos. neither of these guys had to talk to mueller at all. mueller couldn t have turned any screws on either one of these guys. they could have said guess what, we decline to talk to you and if mueller had called them to the grand jury, they could have said guess what, we are not we are going to plead the fifth amendment. these guys were not major players than drug administration who might be embarrassed if it came out that they took the fifth amendment. so these guys, i don t know what their problem is, why they felt like they had to talk to the government in the first place. laura: they were corroborating. they don t have anything to hide.
i will can die in prison but il not lie to say i didn t tell the truth to the special counsel. laura: i believe him. i don t know. you know you have a certain radar about people and things. let me tell you a little secret. let me tell you a little secret about jerome corsi and papadopoulos. neither of these guys had to talk to mueller at all. mueller couldn t have turned any screws on either one of these guys. they could have said guess what, we decline to talk to you and if mueller had called them to the grand jury, they could have said guess what, we are not we are going to plead the fifth amendment. these guys were not major players than drug administration who might be embarrassed if it came out that they took the fifth amendment. so these guys, i don t know what their problem is, why they felt like they had to talk to the government in the first place. laura: they were corroborating. they don t have anything to hide. maybe you re saying it is
if there s any one person who can offer information to the special counsel on whether, in fact, there was conspiracy between members of the campaign and the russians, who are already charged with that conspiracy to interfere in the election, then i think manafort is that person. i am not saying that mueller couldn t have finished his investigation without him. i think he could have. but i think that manafort can provide really key facts and inside information. in terms of the sweetheart deal, i don t think he really got a huge sweetheart deal. i mean he s definitely getting a break. there s no question about it. his sentence under the terms of the plea agreement is maxed out at ten years. so no matter what the guidelines are, if you look at the plea agreement, it talks about 262 months. yeah. he is facing more, but the way they structured the plea is so that each count only is allowed to be sentenced up to five years. and if you put those on top of each other, they would be ten