Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. K Jayaprakash Hegde, who was until recently the Chairman of Karnataka State Commission for Backward Classes, and two former MLAs, B M Sukumar Shetty and M P Kumaraswamy, who were earlier with the BJP, on Tuesday joined the Congress party weeks before Lok Sabha polls. India News | Three Leaders in Karnataka Earlier with BJP Join Congress.
MLA from Karnataka's Mudigere (SC) seat, second-generation politician, and former corporate lawyer, entrepreneur, Nayana Jyothi Jhawar says not for "blanket view" on cases of caste atrocities
Nayana Motamma, the newly-elected Dalit MLA of the Congress in Karnataka, has hit out at those trying to target her by circulating visuals from her private life on social media.The MLA from Mudigere Assembly constituency (reserved for Scheduled .