MSREI has invested around Rs 350 crore to acquire majority equity stake in the project One K-Square will be developed in the Mumbai-based warehousing majors existing facility K Square Logistics Park. In September 2021, it closed a $3.1 billion real estate fund and has been investing across assets from that pool. It has so far invested in over 5.6 million sq ft of logistics assets across Indias key warehousing hubs.
Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing (MSREI), the private equity real estate investing arm of Morgan Stanley, which has earlier tied up with Mumbai-based developer Macrotech ..
As per the approved resolution plan, it said, "an implementation and monitoring committee has been constituted (IMC), which is inter alia empowered to supervise the implementation of the Approved Resolution Plan and oversee the management of the affairs of the Companies as per the terms of the Approved Resolution Plan".
RBI has been asked to respond in three weeks to a petition filed by Adisri Commercial, the former promoter of Srei Infrastructure Finance, against an earlier order issued by the tribunal.