hour. see you right back here tomorrow 10:00 a.m. eastern. thomas roberts is picking up things next. luckily that woman was in the mall so if the phone is wet, she can go right to the store. she can t say how she got it wet, though. all right. msnbc is the place for politics. coming up in the next hour, what can we expect when the house opens the debate over the health care law some. also, how a denver man used his facebook page to catch a thief. and the halftime routine that landed a boston mascot and a college lacrosse i m in some hot water. and what s next for apple now that steve jobs is out on medical leave? whether it take a hit on the stocks? all that coming up. stay with me. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell s condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell s.® it s amazing what soup can do.™
government down. so if it comes to raising the debt ceiling to prevent the government from shutting down, that s exactly what we need to do. congresswoman karen bass, who knows a little bit about tough economic decisions, having been in california, thanks so much for being with us. thanks for having me on. let s bring in our company legal analyst and former clinton adviser jaimy floyd, mark tapscott and comcast network s d.c. bureau chief robert trainem. comcast is acquiring msnbc parent company nbc universal. good to see all of you. jami, let s start with you. we know congress has a lot of battles haedz and tough choices to make. but when do we need to start hearing some specifics? because, again, you know, it s great to say, oh, we need to cut, balance the budget, all of this stuff. but when do we get down to brass tax? now. no time to waste. i think respectfully last week everyone waited in light of the shooting.
interestingly enough, on one of holly s social network sites she says she s been getting a lot of inquiries. chris, back to you. i ll bet she is, kevin. thank you so much. allen, you wouldn t leave johna if she i m just checking. i want there to be complete harmony in the msnbc family. for no amount of money, right? okay. let s talk about former vice president cheney. candid, open as he s ever been, in an exclusive interview with nbc. he shows us what s keeping him alive after five heart attacks. i wear it on a vest, and there s a control element here and then two batteries, one on each side, good for about 12 hours each. and then there s a cord that runs inside my chest to the pump on the inside, and that s what powers it and keep it s functioning. more from the exclusive dick cheney interview, next on jansing & company. [ male announcer ] introducing listerine® zero™.